Questions To Ask Before Writing A Novel


The novel is a literary genre, mostly characterized by a fictional narrative. Imagination plays a vital role and refers to the extraordinary characters, places, situations or intrigue.

Here are some vital questions to ask before embarking on the writing of a novel.


It’s a huge job ahead. Do not underestimate the burden, the time it takes and the gravity that it will create in your life. It’s a child that you’ll fear for weeks, maybe months or even years. Ask yourself first about your project: Is it worth writing? Why are you writing it? Is it to share with your loved ones, to live under the light of the media, to heal, to distract, to make a living?

To write a book is, of course, to write a story. To write a story is, first of all, imagination. But it is also to elaborate a narrative structure, to develop a plot, to shape characters.


It is the innate ability of everyone to invent through the mind. This is done from the perceptions and the existence of each one. It is addressed first to all those who feel the need to build a world of their own to take refuge there. This is often the starting point of the will to write. It can develop but not learn. It is the personality of everyone who decides.

Writing Techniques Writing

Techniques Can Be Learned: These techniques are the syntax, the organization of a story and the organization of a dialogue. You have to put forward principles derived from good practices: relevance of the exposed plan, rules of readability, rigour in writing, prioritization of elements. You can also get some important help you need here at the myadmissionsessay support.

 To Write A Novel, It Is Good To Address It In Its Entirety: Writing workshops are one of the ways to improve your writing rules in a fun way and especially to benefit from the “critical feedback” of your peers on your writings while forging an opinion on the pitfalls to avoid.

Have You Read Enough?

First, before grabbing your pen or plugging in your computer, you have to read some good books with different writing styles to appropriate them understand them and know that many masterpieces have been written before you. This is important because it creates a level of requirement and leads you to set high standards. The permanence of reading during your writing times is also recommended.

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