Tips for Finding High-Quality Tenants


If you’re looking to rent out a property, you need to be sure that it’s going to be in good hands and your tenants are going to be reliable, honest and trustworthy. You need to find high-quality tenants who will pay the rent on time and look after your property.

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What to Look For – General Impressions

There are lots of things to look out for when you are looking for tenants. Whether their employment pays enough money to cover the rent, the tenants’ right to rent in the UK, and the tenants’ appearance and communication skills will give you a general impression of their suitability.

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Do Some Checks

Other things to look at include doing background checks and using a guarantor to certify that the rent will be paid. Using a professional letting agency is useful as they are used to carrying out many of the checks needed. See The Telegraph for more details on some of the background checks that need to be done. If you prefer to manage this yourself, you might like to consider using a property inspection app that will guide you through the tasks that need to be carried out.

Keeping Check

To ensure that the property is left in the same state as when the tenants moved in, you will need to carry out an inventory of all that is in the property at the time of the move. You could use a property inspection app that offers simple property and inspection software to monitor check-in and check-out as well as routine interim inspections to make sure that it is being well maintained.

Keeping Reports

Keeping detailed reports is easier if you use a property inspection app that will allow you to monitor bookings and appointments and carry out inventories.

Property Maintenance

To attract the best-quality tenants, you should make sure that your house is in good order, clean and well maintained. The tenants will take on the property on the understanding that you will take a deposit from them and that the property should be left in the same condition as when the tenants moved in. Tenants are more likely to look after a property if it has been well maintained and is in a good state of repair when they move in.

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