Three Tips to Manage your Debt


Loans can be an essential element in financing a business’s day to day activities. However, debt repayment can sometimes turn out to be a burden. Small debts require little effort; you only have to keep up with payment plans to maintain manageable creditworthiness. Large debts, on the other hand, often require more effort and time to clear. Debts are one of the cash flow problems that cause many small businesses to fail.

If your business is finding it hard to clear its debts, you should consult a company like Rescue One Financial to formulate a workable debt settlement plan. Besides that, there are other ways of settling debts. Below are some useful tips on managing your debt.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation involves combining several loans and liabilities and taking another line of credit to settle them.  Debt consolidation can make repayment of debts manageable by lowering the overall interest rate of the second line of credit. You have to keep in mind that debt consolidation does not reduce your debt; it only makes it more manageable.


Liquidation is a rather radical approach to settling debts. It refers to the sale of assets to pay back creditors. While in most case its’s only a last resort, liquidation is a good way of settling high priority debt by disposing of unused and non-essential assets.

Debt Restructuring

This approach is centered around reducing the debt burden by extending the payment terms and period. The process involves negotiations between your business and the creditors in adjusting your loan repayment. The advantage of debt restructuring is that it’s beneficial to both parties in avoiding bankruptcy. The company settles its debt at a reduced interest rate while avoiding filing for bankruptcy, and the creditors get their money back.

There are a number of ways you can improve your financial standing and leave your business debt-free. The key to achieving this is formulating a comprehensive debt management plan.

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